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How many employees do we have? What patents have we registered? Here we present the facts and figures, certifications and memberships in relevant industry associations that set Baufritz apart.
Baufritz (UK) Limited
Camboro Business Park
The Workplace
Oakington Rd Girton
Cambridge, CB3 0QH
Telephone +44 (0)1223 235632
Registered in England and Wales:
Registered No. 05679302
VAT No. GB 883523406
D-87746 Erkheim/Allgäu
15.056 m² production building on 46.714 m² area
500 employees, 11 of them are working in Cambridge
- UK market: individually planned detached and multi-family homes
- EU market: detached, semi-detached, and multi-family homes, as well as bespoke community developments and specialist buildings - including churches, nurseries, offices, and commercial spaces
- Deutscher Holzfertigbau-Verband e.V. (DHV) – German association for timber frame prefabricated construction
- Gütegemeinschaft Deutscher Fertigbau e.V. (GDF) – German quality control association for prefabricated construction
- EU environmental audit
- DIN EN ISO 9001 quality management since 28 January 1998
- DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 quality management systems since 2011
- RAL quality mark for timber frame house construction - manufacturing
- Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau e.V. (BDF) – German federal association for prefabricated construction
- Qualitätsgemeinschaft Deutscher Fertigbau (QDF) – German quality association for prefabricated construction
- natureplus – certified eco insulation
- ALLÖKH - seal for allergy-friendly building
- IBN quality seal for healthy living, organic construction
- Green Brands certification for sustainable products
- Certified "Environmentally and medically recommended" by Dr. Blei Institut
- Sentinel-Haus certification
- "HOIZ" eco insulation made from wood shavings, recommended by Ökotest
- Minergie-A-Eco standard
- natureplus label
More than 40 registered pending patents and trademarks for full-value-walls, jointing, corner construction, insulation, heating, etc. nationally and abroad
- B.A.U.M. e.V. (German Environmental Management Association)
- future e.V., Osnabrück (environmental initiative by companies)
- Umweltpakt Bayern (Bavarian environmental initiative)
- WWF Group, Frankfurt (environmental foundation)
- KUMAS, Augsburg (environmental network)
- natureplus e.V. (natural sustainable building)
- Sentinel Haus Institut (institute for healthy construction and living)
- Familienpakt Bayern (Bavarian family initiative)
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