Natural building materials

At Baufritz, we love timber and have worked with the material for many years. We believe that natural, healthy materials are an asset for any house. Before a component, product or building material is allowed into your new home, our engineers and sustainability experts give them a thorough check-up.  

Building sustainably means using only natural, healthy materials

When you build a home, you want it to be healthy to live in for years to come. You want it to feel comfortable and safe, now and for future generations. That’s why at Baufritz, each individual element of your house – every fibre, down to the last detail, even those behind the walls – has to meet strict criteria. We allow only the very best natural materials. It’s as simple as that.

Welcome to your timber home. At Baufritz, we use only certified natural building materials.

Breathe in the healthy air of a timber house

Wood does what we do: it breathes, grows and thrives. That’s why we feel so at home in a timber home. Wood also absorbs and releases moisture, regulating the humidity inside the house naturally, in a way that no man-made material can emulate. The air inside a timber house is invigorating – as beneficial as a walk in the woods.

Only the highest-quality materials. We set the bar high.

If there’s one thing the sustainability experts and engineers at Baufritz agree on, it is that that every material we use must be thoroughly analysed, measured and tested. From premium, chamber-dried timber, to the fittings and even the building services in the house. Have they been tested for harmful substances? Are they robust? Do they meet the highest quality standards? Are we sure? These are the questions we ask ourselves. We are not prepared to compromise. That also means we can’t simply buy our materials in the nearest DIY store. So we have to do our own research.

"As an architect I have a keen interest in looking at the elements that make up a building and how they impact on our health and the environment. When I came across Baufritz I was very positively surprised that there is a company out there that builds energy efficient buildings that reduce carbon emissions whilst being constructed using healthy materials (which is by no means the norm). Baufritz has made it part of their philosophy to follow very high environmental and health standards and regularly test all their materials as well as pushing the industry for new healthier solutions for sealants and adhesives and other building components. Thanks to Baufritz I am now also a "building biologist" (someone who is trained in the science of healthy building) and can advise my clients on the health aspects of building elements and systems."

Robert Lumme

Home-grown. Without the use of chemicals. Baufritz wall construction


Baufritz walls are unique. The innovative construction uses natural insulation made from wood shavings. Our HOIZ insulation material together with natural plasterboard guarantee a heat transfer coefficient (U) of just 0.159 to 0.20 W/m2. Not only does this provide excellent insulation, it also guarantees palpably healthy indoor air.

More on our wall construction

If we can’t find the materials we want, we make them ourselves.

HOIZ, the best insulation in the world.

For a long time, timber-framed buildings had to be made using solid timber. But the poor environmental credentials and high costs of this material prompted us to develop our own alternative. The result is HOIZ – the only sustainable organic insulation in the world made from wood shavings with Cradle to Cradle Gold certification and an IBN seal of approval.

Nature conservation at its very best. Patented fire and fungal protection

You won’t find any chemicals in your Baufritz home. We avoid using boric acids, biocides, fibrous insulating materials that use chemicals, and any additives that might damage your health and compromise the quality of air in your home. Instead, we have developed a unique impregnation for our HOIZ insulation using whey and soda. It meets the highest standards in terms of flame protection, fungal decay and pest control. In keeping with our philosophy "Good for people and nature".

100 % organic, locally sourced.

Building healthy homes for nature’s sake also means avoiding long transport routes. Our wood shavings are a recyclable material sourced from local trees, above all spruce. They are a by-product, so to speak, from processing soft woods in sawmills in Southern Germany. And they are an ideal insulation material to replace solid wood.

Do you want to know more about HOIZ, our insulation made with natural wood shavings?

Download the data sheet

We shut the door on PU foam

Although PU foam is still used by most house builders when installing windows and interior doors, it constitutes a major health risk. When the foam hardens, isocyanates are released which are classified as being carcinogenic. But the greater problem in the long term are flame retardants, which remain in the foam permanently. Because our windows and doors have a snug, airtight fit, we can install them without the need for PU foam. We have honed the technique over more than 20 years. See for yourself – for example on a guided tour through our production halls. We would be delighted to show you around.